Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The "Classy Wendy" Fun Fur Purse

The main yarn of this purse is a velvety yarn,
and the fun fur is a little finer than what you usually find.
All in all it is a very soft purse.

I chose pastel colored pearls for the accent on this
because it seemed to suit Wendy's classy style best.

Wendy chose the polka dot liner,
which I feel shows the fun side of classy.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Children's Fun Fur Purse and Hat

This is an example of my children's matching
fun fur purse and hat set.
I do not typically put a lining into the children's purse
due to it's more toylike nature,
but I can put one in on request.
The purse is free of real buttons and items
that are likely to be a choking hazard.
The deco is done with yarn even making a yarn
"button" so that it looks like it has a button.
My children are still young so I am very aware of
the need to have them be a safe product for a young child.

Fun Fur Purses

These fun fur purses are a specialty of mine and a favorite.
I really enjoy making them, and with every one
I find ways to improve them and make them better.

I try very hard to make sure they are
of the best quality that I can achieve.

I try to select fabric for the lining that will enhance
the over all feeling of the purse because, in my opinion,
the lining can make or brake the purse.
To ensure the quality of the lining
I personally hand stitch the lining in.
My linings always have at least one pocket in them.
I can do different types of closures be it one
done with yarn and buttons or beads or a
magnetic closure like a store bought purse might have.
This purse has a magnetic closure.

I can make purses to order in various sizes.
I even have made a children's size with a matching hat.
Which I will post on a future post.

If you are interested in having your own fun fur purse either
post a comment or email me at
Thank you for taking the time to look at my page.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Designs By Emerence

Coming soon!

Personalized Journals,
Paper Products,
and Crochet